Success is not final; failure is not fatal:
it is the courage to continue that counts.
- Winston Churchill -

Dr Cilliers is interested in general adult psychiatry, specifically in psychopharmacology (psychiatric drugs) and psychotherapy (primarily Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). He has special interests in anxiety and mood disorders (including Bipolar Mood Disorder) and ADHD.
He is experienced in treating Major Depression, Bipolar Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disorders as well as psychotic disorders such as Schizophrenia and others. He does not treat Substance Abuse. He does not see children under 16 years of age.
What is a Psychiatrist
A psychiatrist is a qualified medical practitioner who trained for an additional four years to become a specialist psychiatrist. He/she can prescribe medication, admit patients to hospital, practice psychotherapy and (in severe cases) administer electroconvulsive therapy.
After an assessment, a psychiatrist makes a diagnosis.
Dr. Cilliers feels strongly that this is not done to label an individual, but to look at international and recent evidence-based research in order to help the person with the diagnosis.
A psychiatrist may assist a patient by appearing as an expert witness in a court case.
Why is Psychiatry important?
According to the World Health Organization, six of the top 10 most disabling disorders in the world have a psychiatric origin. Major depression is now the most disabling condition in the world.
Dr Cilliers uses a bio-psychosocial approach to diagnose and treat. Many disorders such as Bipolar Mood Disorder have a strong underlying genetic (biological) foundation. Biological (pharmaceutical) intervention may thus be necessary. The psychosocial factors must, however, be integrated in the treatment.
In another condition, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for example, the main cause is a psychosocial event such as a life-threatening event. Here psychosocial factors are addressed by means of psychotherapy and social interventions. The biological factors need to be addressed by means of the judicious use of appropriate medication.
Physical (biological) and psychiatric illnesses are closely interlinked. Psychiatric conditions can cause or aggravate some physical disorders. Similarly, physical illnesses often precipitate psychiatric illnesses.
Major depression and stress are identified as the most important risk factors in heart attacks. There is conclusive evidence that the treatment of psychiatric disorders leads to better general health and lower general medical expenses.There is a clear circular link between COVID19 infection and psychiatric disorders